Carl August MibusAge: 80 years1865–1945
- Name
- Carl August Mibus
- Surname
- Mibus
- Given names
- Carl August
Birth | April 2, 1865 |
Marriage | Mathilda Johanna Nuske — View this family January 24, 1889 (Age 23 years) |
Death of a wife | Mathilda Johanna Nuske February 26, 1926 (Age 60 years) |
Marriage | Auguste Pauline Lange — View this family 1928 (Age 62 years) |
Residence | between 1931 and 1949 (Age 65 years) Address: Park St, Dimboola Note: Farmer
Death | June 6, 1945 (Age 80 years) Address: Dimboola Hospital Note: Headstone has 11 June as death date. It looks like this was the burial date.
Burial | June 11, 1945 (5 days after death) Cemetery: Dimboola (Kornheim) Cemetery |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother | |
himself |
Carl August Mibus Birth: April 2, 1865 — Hochkirch (now Tarrington), , Victoria, Australia Death: June 6, 1945 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia |
Family with Mathilda Johanna Nuske |
himself |
Carl August Mibus Birth: April 2, 1865 — Hochkirch (now Tarrington), , Victoria, Australia Death: June 6, 1945 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia |
wife |
Mathilda Johanna Nuske Birth: April 28, 1864 46 37 — Lobethal, SA Death: February 26, 1926 |
Marriage: January 24, 1889 — Katyil, , Victoria, Australia |
Family with Auguste Pauline Lange |
himself |
Carl August Mibus Birth: April 2, 1865 — Hochkirch (now Tarrington), , Victoria, Australia Death: June 6, 1945 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia |
wife |
Auguste Pauline Lange Birth: October 3, 1875 32 27 — Williamstown, , South Australia, Australia Death: August 28, 1951 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia |
Marriage: 1928 — Katanning, , Western Australia, Australia |
Residence | Farmer |
Death | Headstone has 11 June as death date. It looks like this was the burial date. |
Burial | From Dimboola Cemetery Burial Book Old Area Mibus Carl August (section/plot:G 1046) (Burial: 11 6 1945) |