Mathilda Selma MibusAge: 82 years1872–1954
- Name
- Mathilda Selma Mibus
- Given names
- Mathilda Selma
- Surname
- Mibus
Note: Birth record gives name: Selina Mathilda
Birth | June 18, 1872 30 27 Note: Graeme Moad gives birth place as: Jennawarra, Vic
Birth of a brother | Oscar Alexander Mibus February 21, 1874 (Age 20 months) |
Birth of a sister | Bertha Mibus May 2, 1875 (Age 2 years) |
Death of a sister | Bertha Mibus May 10, 1875 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a brother | Wilhelm Otto (Wilhelm) Mibus May 16, 1876 (Age 3 years) Note: Locational details for birth and death came from Martin Marks Family Tree
Death of a brother | Wilhelm Otto (Wilhelm) Mibus June 5, 1876 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a sister | Hulda Adelheid Mibus June 6, 1877 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a sister | Hulda Adelheid Mibus June 30, 1877 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a brother | Friedrich Gotthard Mibus June 6, 1878 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a sister | Maria Adelheid Mibus February 16, 1880 (Age 7 years) |
Birth of a sister | Ida Eveline Mibus July 23, 1881 (Age 9 years) |
Birth of a sister | Minna Clara Mibus July 21, 1882 (Age 10 years) |
Birth of a brother | Otto Alfred Mibus August 29, 1883 (Age 11 years) Note: Another source has birth place as: Hochkirch (Tarrington), Victoria, Australia
Birth of a brother | Egmont Arthur (Arthur) Mibus January 22, 1885 (Age 12 years) Note: Other records have birthplace as: Hochkirch (Tarrington)
Death of a brother | Egmont Arthur (Arthur) Mibus March 23, 1885 (Age 12 years) |
Birth of a brother | Edmund Oswald Mibus July 18, 1886 (Age 14 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Johann Mibus February 6, 1890 (Age 17 years) Age: 73 yrs 10 mths |
Death of a mother | Valentine Israel October 7, 1891 (Age 19 years) |
Religious marriage | Carl Rudolph (Robert) Nuske — View this family July 9, 1894 (Age 22 years) Address: St Michaels Church, Tarrington, Victoria, Australia |
Birth of a son #1 | Arthur Oswald Nuske June 19, 1895 (Age 23 years) |
Birth of a child #2 | Herbert Alfred Nuske April 18, 1899 (Age 26 years) |
Death of a brother | Friedrich Gotthard Mibus September 3, 1902 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Walter Gotthard Nuske February 3, 1903 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Dorothea Huf February 12, 1903 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a brother | Bernard Leopold Mibus November 21, 1903 (Age 31 years) |
Death of a sister | Ida Eveline Mibus January 24, 1906 (Age 33 years) |
Death of a sister | Maria Adelheid Mibus April 21, 1906 (Age 33 years) |
Death of a brother | Oscar Alexander Mibus January 27, 1907 (Age 34 years) |
Death of a brother | Ludwig Paul Bernhard Mibus March 17, 1908 (Age 35 years) Cause: hydatids |
Marriage of a parent | Ludwig Mibus — Louise Pauline (Polly) Haeusler — View this family before September 1908 (Age 36 years) Note: Married in 1908
Death of a sister | Emilie Louise Mibus September 12, 1908 (Age 36 years) |
Death of a father | Ludwig Mibus September 25, 1908 (Age 36 years) |
Marriage of a child | Arthur Oswald Nuske — Antonie Viola Ziersch — View this family April 26, 1923 (Age 50 years) |
Death of a brother | Otto Alfred Mibus May 18, 1928 (Age 55 years) |
Death of a brother | Reinhold Immanuel Mibus November 8, 1930 (Age 58 years) |
Death of a brother | Johann Eduard Mibus March 9, 1945 (Age 72 years) |
Death of a brother | Carl August Mibus June 6, 1945 (Age 72 years) Age: 80 yrs |
Death of a brother | Edmund Oswald Mibus April 28, 1949 (Age 76 years) Age: 63 Address: Trangmar St, Portland |
Death of a husband | Carl Rudolph (Robert) Nuske November 9, 1952 (Age 80 years) Note: Headstone has died 8th November
Burial of a husband | Carl Rudolph (Robert) Nuske November 10, 1952 (Age 80 years) Cemetery: Dimboola (Kornheim) Cemetery |
Occupation | Home Duties between 1949 and 1954 (Age 76 years)Address: Address:
Warracknabeal Rd, Dimboola |
Residence | between 1949 and 1954 (Age 76 years) Address: Warracknabeal Rd, Dimboola |
Death | July 18, 1954 (Age 82 years) |
Burial | July 19, 1954 (1 day after death) Cemetery: Dimboola (Kornheim) Cemetery |
Family with parents |
father |
Ludwig Mibus Birth: February 15, 1842 25 25 — Nekla Hauland, Posen, Germany Death: September 25, 1908 — Hamilton, , Victoria, Australia |
mother |
Valentine Israel Birth: January 13, 1845 — Blischnoff, Posen, Prussia Death: October 7, 1891 |
Marriage: May 2, 1862 — Hochkirch (now Tarrington), , Victoria, Australia |
10 months elder sister |
Emilie Louise Mibus Birth: February 18, 1863 21 18 — Hamilton, , Victoria, Australia Death: September 12, 1908 — Highton or Hamilton, , Victoria, Australia |
1 year elder brother |
Reinhold Immanuel Mibus Birth: February 5, 1864 21 19 Death: November 8, 1930 |
14 months elder brother |
Carl August Mibus Birth: April 2, 1865 23 20 Death: June 6, 1945 |
1 year elder brother |
Johann Eduard Mibus Birth: March 30, 1866 24 21 Death: March 9, 1945 |
14 months elder sister |
Clara Amalie Mibus Birth: June 14, 1867 25 22 Death: July 10, 1867 |
16 months elder brother |
Ludwig Paul Bernhard Mibus Birth: October 9, 1868 26 23 — Hamilton, , Victoria, Australia Death: March 17, 1908 — Highton or Hamilton, , Victoria, Australia |
1 year elder brother |
Bernard Leopold Mibus Birth: October 18, 1869 27 24 Death: November 21, 1903 |
19 months elder brother |
Otto Alfred Mibus Birth: May 27, 1871 29 26 Death: June 16, 1871 |
13 months herself |
Mathilda Selma Mibus Birth: June 18, 1872 30 27 — Hamilton, , Victoria, Australia Death: July 18, 1954 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia |
20 months younger brother |
Oscar Alexander Mibus Birth: February 21, 1874 32 29 Death: January 27, 1907 |
14 months younger sister |
Bertha Mibus Birth: May 2, 1875 33 30 Death: May 10, 1875 |
1 year younger brother |
Wilhelm Otto (Wilhelm) Mibus Birth: May 16, 1876 34 31 — Hochkirch (now Tarrington), , Victoria, Australia Death: June 5, 1876 — Hamilton, , Victoria, Austraila |
13 months younger sister |
Hulda Adelheid Mibus Birth: June 6, 1877 35 32 Death: June 30, 1877 |
1 year younger brother |
Friedrich Gotthard Mibus Birth: June 6, 1878 36 33 — Ha Mi, , Victoria, Australia Death: September 3, 1902 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia |
20 months younger sister |
Maria Adelheid Mibus Birth: February 16, 1880 38 35 Death: April 21, 1906 |
17 months younger sister |
Ida Eveline Mibus Birth: July 23, 1881 39 36 Death: January 24, 1906 |
1 year younger sister |
Minna Clara Mibus Birth: July 21, 1882 40 37 Death: April 22, 1962 |
13 months younger brother |
Otto Alfred Mibus Birth: August 29, 1883 41 38 — Highton or Hamilton, , Victoria, Australia Death: May 18, 1928 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia |
17 months younger brother |
Egmont Arthur (Arthur) Mibus Birth: January 22, 1885 42 40 — Hamilton, , Victoria, Australia Death: March 23, 1885 — Hamilton, , Victoria, Australia |
18 months younger brother |
Edmund Oswald Mibus Birth: July 18, 1886 44 41 — Hochkirch (now Tarrington), , Victoria, Australia Death: April 28, 1949 — Portland, , Victoria, Australia |
Father’s family with Louise Pauline (Polly) Haeusler |
father |
Ludwig Mibus Birth: February 15, 1842 25 25 — Nekla Hauland, Posen, Germany Death: September 25, 1908 — Hamilton, , Victoria, Australia |
step-mother |
Louise Pauline (Polly) Haeusler Birth: June 18, 1863 — Blumberg (now Birdwood), , South Australia, Australia Death: July 30, 1919 — Murtoa, , Victoria, Australia |
Marriage: before September 1908 — Victoria, Australia |
Family with Carl Rudolph (Robert) Nuske |
husband |
Carl Rudolph (Robert) Nuske Birth: June 5, 1866 48 39 — Neudorf, , South Australia, Australia Death: November 9, 1952 |
herself |
Mathilda Selma Mibus Birth: June 18, 1872 30 27 — Hamilton, , Victoria, Australia Death: July 18, 1954 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia |
Marriage: July 9, 1894 — Tarrington, , Victoria, Australia |
11 months son |
Arthur Oswald Nuske Birth: June 19, 1895 29 23 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia Death: June 13, 1988 — Dimboola |
4 years child |
Herbert Alfred Nuske Birth: April 18, 1899 32 26 — Katyil, , Victoria, Australia Death: June 5, 1979 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia |
4 years son |
Walter Gotthard Nuske Birth: February 3, 1903 36 30 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia Death: March 20, 1986 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia |
Birth | Graeme Moad gives birth place as: Jennawarra, Vic |
Name | Birth record gives name: Selina Mathilda |
Burial | Dimboola Cemetery Burial Book Old Area Nuske Mathilda Selma (Section F Plot 1143) 19 7 1954 |