The family of JSG Hoffmann

Rosalie Florentine (Rose) NuskeAge: 77 years18971974

Rosalie Florentine (Rose) Nuske
Given names
Rosalie Florentine (Rose)
Married name
Rosalie Florentine (Rose) Baulch
Birth 1897 39 31
Birth of a sisterLeontine Flora (Florrie) Nuske
1898 (Age 12 months)

Death of a paternal grandfatherJohann Gottlieb Nuske
July 23, 1899 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherJulius Victor (Victor) Nuske
1900 (Age 3 years)

Birth of a brotherErnest Arthur (Ernest) Nuske
August 8, 1904 (Age 7 years)

Death of a paternal grandmotherJohanna Henriette Christiane (Hetta) Hoffmann
September 2, 1907 (Age 10 years)
Residence 1923 (Age 26 years)
Death of a fatherCarl Friedrich Samuel Nuske
May 31, 1931 (Age 34 years)
Burial of a fatherCarl Friedrich Samuel Nuske
June 2, 1931 (Age 34 years)
Address: Horsham Cemetery
Death of a sisterAnnie Nuske
November 22, 1953 (Age 56 years)

Death of a sisterLeontine Flora (Florrie) Nuske
November 22, 1953 (Age 56 years)

Death of a motherAugusta Amelia Frederike (Emily) Nuske
November 23, 1953 (Age 56 years)
Burial of a motherAugusta Amelia Frederike (Emily) Nuske
November 23, 1953 (Age 56 years)
Address: Horsham Cemetery
Death of a brotherWilhelm Gustav (William) Nuske
July 10, 1970 (Age 73 years)
Death of a siblingCarl Edward (Charlie) Nuske
May 4, 1971 (Age 74 years)
Death 1974 (Age 77 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 1, 1884Katyil, , Victoria, Australia
10 months
elder brother
Friedrich Carl (Frederick) Nuske
Birth: December 1, 1884 27 19Katyil, , Victoria, Australia
Death: February 2, 1981Melbourne, , Victoria, Australia
16 months
elder brother
Wilhelm Gustav (William) Nuske
Birth: April 15, 1886 29 21Katyil, , Victoria, Australia
Death: July 10, 1970Springvale, , Victoria, Australia
21 months
elder sister
21 months
elder sibling
Carl Edward (Charlie) Nuske
Birth: September 25, 1888 31 23Katyil, , Victoria, Australia
Death: May 4, 1971Little River, , Victoria, Australia
Rosalie Florentine (Rose) Nuske
Birth: 1897 39 31Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia
Death: 1974Ballarat, , Victoria, Australia
2 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
5 years
younger brother