Arthur Oswald NuskeAge: 92 years1895–1988
- Name
- Arthur Oswald Nuske
- Given names
- Arthur Oswald
- Surname
- Nuske
Birth | June 19, 1895 29 23 |
Birth of a sibling | Herbert Alfred Nuske April 18, 1899 (Age 3 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Johann Gottlieb Nuske July 23, 1899 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a brother | Walter Gotthard Nuske February 3, 1903 (Age 7 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Johanna Henriette Christiane (Hetta) Hoffmann September 2, 1907 (Age 12 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Ludwig Mibus September 25, 1908 (Age 13 years) |
Marriage | Antonie Viola Ziersch — View this family April 26, 1923 (Age 27 years) |
Death of a father | Carl Rudolph (Robert) Nuske November 9, 1952 (Age 57 years) Note: Headstone has died 8th November
Burial of a father | Carl Rudolph (Robert) Nuske November 10, 1952 (Age 57 years) Cemetery: Dimboola (Kornheim) Cemetery |
Death of a mother | Mathilda Selma Mibus July 18, 1954 (Age 59 years) |
Burial of a mother | Mathilda Selma Mibus July 19, 1954 (Age 59 years) Cemetery: Dimboola (Kornheim) Cemetery |
Death of a wife | Antonie Viola Ziersch September 7, 1968 (Age 73 years) |
Burial of a wife | Antonie Viola Ziersch September 7, 1968 (Age 73 years) Cemetery: Dimboola Cemetery |
Occupation | Farmer between 1919 and 1968 (Age 23 years) |
Residence | between 1919 and 1968 (Age 23 years) |
Death of a sibling | Herbert Alfred Nuske June 5, 1979 (Age 83 years) |
Death of a brother | Walter Gotthard Nuske March 20, 1986 (Age 90 years) |
Burial of a brother | Walter Gotthard Nuske March 20, 1986 (Age 90 years) Cemetery: Dimboola Cemetery |
Death | June 13, 1988 (Age 92 years) |
Burial | June 13, 1988 (on the date of death) Cemetery: Dimboola Cemetery |
Family with parents |
father |
Carl Rudolph (Robert) Nuske Birth: June 5, 1866 48 39 — Neudorf, , South Australia, Australia Death: November 9, 1952 |
mother |
Mathilda Selma Mibus Birth: June 18, 1872 30 27 — Hamilton, , Victoria, Australia Death: July 18, 1954 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia |
Marriage: July 9, 1894 — Tarrington, , Victoria, Australia |
11 months himself |
Arthur Oswald Nuske Birth: June 19, 1895 29 23 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia Death: June 13, 1988 — Dimboola |
4 years younger sibling |
Herbert Alfred Nuske Birth: April 18, 1899 32 26 — Katyil, , Victoria, Australia Death: June 5, 1979 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia |
4 years younger brother |
Walter Gotthard Nuske Birth: February 3, 1903 36 30 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia Death: March 20, 1986 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia |
Family with Antonie Viola Ziersch |
himself |
Arthur Oswald Nuske Birth: June 19, 1895 29 23 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia Death: June 13, 1988 — Dimboola |
wife |
Antonie Viola Ziersch Birth: April 21, 1902 — Eudunda, , South Australia, Australia Death: September 7, 1968 — Dimboola |
Marriage: April 26, 1923 — , , South Australia, Australia |
Burial | Dimboola Cemetery Burial Book New Area Nuske Arthur Oswald (6 361) 92ys 13 6 1988 |