Antonie Viola ZierschAge: 66 years1902–1968
- Name
- Antonie Viola Ziersch
- Given names
- Antonie Viola
- Surname
- Ziersch
Birth | April 21, 1902 |
Marriage | Arthur Oswald Nuske — View this family April 26, 1923 (Age 21 years) |
Occupation | Home Duties between 1924 and 1968 (Age 21 years) |
Residence | between 1924 and 1968 (Age 21 years) |
Death | September 7, 1968 (Age 66 years) |
Burial | September 7, 1968 (on the date of death) Cemetery: Dimboola Cemetery |
Family with Arthur Oswald Nuske |
husband |
Arthur Oswald Nuske Birth: June 19, 1895 29 23 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia Death: June 13, 1988 — Dimboola |
herself |
Antonie Viola Ziersch Birth: April 21, 1902 — Eudunda, , South Australia, Australia Death: September 7, 1968 — Dimboola |
Marriage: April 26, 1923 — , , South Australia, Australia |
Burial | Dimboola Cemetery Burial Book New Area Nuske Antonie Viola (6 361) 7 9 1968 |