Lydia Mathilda NuskeAge: 58 years1895–1953
- Name
- Lydia Mathilda Nuske
- Given names
- Lydia Mathilda
- Surname
- Nuske
Birth | April 3, 1895 42 36 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Carl Friedrich Presser May 22, 1899 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Johann Gottlieb Nuske July 23, 1899 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a sister | Agnes Martha Nuske May 29, 1901 (Age 6 years) Note: Another source gives POB as Antwerp
Death of a paternal grandmother | Johanna Henriette Christiane (Hetta) Hoffmann September 2, 1907 (Age 12 years) |
Death of a mother | Johanne Caroline (Caroline) Presser July 10, 1933 (Age 38 years) |
Death of a father | Johann Carl Gottlieb Nuske November 13, 1937 (Age 42 years) Age: 85 yrs |
Burial of a father | Johann Carl Gottlieb Nuske November 13, 1937 (Age 42 years) Cemetery: Jeparit Cemetery |
Death of a brother | Carl Adolph Nuske October 25, 1945 (Age 50 years) Age: 53 |
Death of a sister | Emma Marie Ida Nuske May 2, 1948 (Age 53 years) |
Death of a brother | Johann Carl Heinrich Nuske April 19, 1952 (Age 57 years) |
Death | October 19, 1953 (Age 58 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Johann Carl Gottlieb Nuske Birth: November 17, 1852 35 25 — Lobethal, SA Death: November 13, 1937 — Antwerp, , Victoria, Australia |
mother |
Johanne Caroline (Caroline) Presser Birth: March 5, 1859 42 33 — Allansford, Vic Death: July 10, 1933 |
Marriage: March 5, 1878 — Murtoa, Vic |
14 months elder brother |
Johann Carl Heinrich Nuske Birth: May 18, 1879 26 20 — Coromby, , Victoria, Australia Death: April 19, 1952 |
17 months elder sister |
Emma Marie Ida Nuske Birth: October 15, 1880 27 21 — Coromby, , Victoria, Australia Death: May 2, 1948 |
2 years elder sister |
Bertha Hermine Nuske Birth: November 7, 1882 29 23 — Murtoa, , Victoria, Australia Death: 1886 |
2 years elder brother |
Alfred Paul Nuske Birth: October 23, 1884 31 25 — Murtoa, , Victoria, Australia Death: March 31, 1983 — Toowoombah, , Queensland, Australia |
3 years elder sister |
Emma Ottilie Nuske Birth: April 12, 1887 34 28 — Katyil, , Victoria, Australia Death: February 22, 1962 |
2 years elder brother |
August Wilhelm Nuske Birth: May 15, 1889 36 30 — Katyil, , Victoria, Australia Death: June 1, 1985 |
3 years elder brother |
Carl Adolph Nuske Birth: March 26, 1892 39 33 — Katyil, , Victoria, Australia Death: October 25, 1945 — Tarranyurk, , Victoria, Australia |
3 years herself |
Lydia Mathilda Nuske Birth: April 3, 1895 42 36 — Katyil, , Victoria, Australia Death: October 19, 1953 |
6 years younger sister |
Agnes Martha Nuske Birth: May 29, 1901 48 42 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia Death: September 30, 1983 — Victoria, Australia |
Note | Burial Jeparit |