Carl August (August) DrendelAge: 53 years1836–1890
- Name
- Carl August (August) Drendel
- Given names
- Carl August (August)
- Surname
- Drendel
… …
- Name
- … …
Note: Jnfo here:
Birth | November 17, 1836 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Ernestine Martha Drendel September 1, 1877 (Age 40 years) |
Death | July 30, 1890 (Age 53 years) |
Family with Anna Maria Emilie (Annie) Schorback |
himself |
Carl August (August) Drendel Birth: November 17, 1836 — Prussia Death: July 30, 1890 — Eden Valley, , South Australia, Australia |
wife |
Anna Maria Emilie (Annie) Schorback Birth: 1850 Death: 1903 |
daughter |
Ernestine Martha Drendel Birth: September 1, 1877 40 27 — Eden Valley, SA Death: 1931 — Rainbow, , Victoria, Australia |
Name | Jnfo here: |