Mavis Eileen “Peg” NelsonAge: 97 years1917–2014
- Name
- Mavis Eileen “Peg” Nelson
- Given names
- Mavis Eileen
- Nickname
- Peg
- Surname
- Nelson
- Married name
- Mavis Eileen Warby
Birth | July 19, 1917 35 25 |
Death of a father | William John Nelson September 12, 1923 (Age 6 years) |
Burial of a father | William John Nelson 1923 (Age 5 years) Address: Uralla New Cemetery
Church of England Section, Block B Section E plot 6 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Frederick August Tuckey Stahlhut June 24, 1949 (Age 31 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Esther Eva Simpson 1953 (Age 35 years) |
Burial of a maternal grandmother | Esther Eva Simpson 1953 (Age 35 years) |
Death of a husband | Robert Kenneth “Bob” Warby September 3, 1999 (Age 82 years) |
Burial of a husband | Robert Kenneth “Bob” Warby 1999 (Age 81 years) Address: Newcastle Memorial Park |
Death | September 8, 2014 (Age 97 years) |
Burial | 2014 (Age 96 years) Address: Newcastle Memorial park |
Family with parents |
father |
William John Nelson Birth: June 24, 1882 — Gunnedah, , New South Wales, Australia Death: September 12, 1923 — Uralla, , New South Wales, Australia |
mother |
Ruby Ethel Stahlhut Birth: 1892 24 — Armidale, , New South Wales, Australia |
sister |
Private |
sister |
Private |
brother |
Private |
herself |
Mavis Eileen “Peg” Nelson Birth: July 19, 1917 35 25 — Armidale, , New South Wales, Australia Death: September 8, 2014 |
Mother’s family with Wiiliam Thomas Stewart |
step-father |
Wiiliam Thomas Stewart Birth: about 1892 — Tamworth, , New South Wales, Australia |
mother |
Ruby Ethel Stahlhut Birth: 1892 24 — Armidale, , New South Wales, Australia |
half-sister |
Private |
Family with Robert Kenneth “Bob” Warby |
husband |
Robert Kenneth “Bob” Warby Birth: July 18, 1914 26 — Mayfield, , New South Wales, Australia Death: September 3, 1999 — Waratah, , New South Wales, Australia |
herself |
Mavis Eileen “Peg” Nelson Birth: July 19, 1917 35 25 — Armidale, , New South Wales, Australia Death: September 8, 2014 |
son |
Terrence William Warby Burial: Adelaide, , South Australia, Australia |
son |
Private |
son |
Private |