Olga Eveline (Polly) HardersAge: 103 years1909–2012
- Name
- Olga Eveline (Polly) Harders
- Given names
- Olga Eveline (Polly)
- Surname
- Harders
Birth | June 12, 1909 |
Marriage | Walter Gotthard Nuske — View this family yes |
Death of a husband | Walter Gotthard Nuske March 20, 1986 (Age 76 years) |
Burial of a husband | Walter Gotthard Nuske March 20, 1986 (Age 76 years) Cemetery: Dimboola Cemetery |
Death | September 27, 2012 (Age 103 years) |
Family with Walter Gotthard Nuske |
husband |
Walter Gotthard Nuske Birth: February 3, 1903 36 30 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia Death: March 20, 1986 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia |
herself |
Olga Eveline (Polly) Harders Birth: June 12, 1909 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia Death: September 27, 2012 — Dimboola, , Victoria, Australia |
Marriage: — |